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  • What is the difference between a Speech and Language Pathologist and a Communicative Disorders Assistant/Speech Language Assistant?
    A Speech and Language Pathologist (SLP) has a masters degree as well as a bachelors degree whereas the Communicative Disorders Assistant (CDA or Speech and Language Assistant (SL-A)) has a bachelors degree and a CDA certificate. Speech pathologists perfom the assessments, write the goals and perform therapy. CDAs perform the therapy as well as communicating with their supervising SLP about client progress. Speech pathologists by law need to supervise the therapy CDAs provide. CDAs cannot perform therapy without the direct supervision of a SLP. The SLP-CDA relationship is similar to a doctor-nurse relationship.
  • Are speech and language services covered by OHIP?
    Unfortunately not. Some extended health care benefits through your employer do cover speech and language therapy so check your insurance provider. Insurance companies no longer offer direct billing for speech therapy unfortunately so families need to pay out of pocket first then submit their paid invoices to insurance.
  • Do I need a doctor's referral to start speech therapy?
    No. Simply call or email us to get the process started.
  • What is the process?
    The process begins once you call us and tell us a little bit about your child. Based on that information we send an intake form via email. Once you fill out and return the intake form your child is placed on our waitlist. We then pass along the intake form to the speech and language pathologist once assessment times become available. After looking at the intake and any reports the parents provide, the SLP needs to decide whether or not the child is a good candidate for Communicative Disorders Assistant intervention. If he or she is a good fit to work with the CDA then the initial assessment is booked. The parent(s) and child attend the assessment at our office at 93 Mericourt Rd. The assessment usually lasts one hour and during this time the SLP may use a formal or informal assessment to determine the child's level of functioning in a variety of areas such as language, articulation, communication and play skills. A formal assessment is a published test that upon completion gives the child a score which places them on a performance scale. An informal assessment is done through observation and play. The SLP will often play with the child in such a way that elicits certain responses which helps the SLP to determine what goals to start to focus on. Once the SLP has gathered all the information and scored any formal tests she then writes the goals. Once the CDA receives the goals then therapy with the CDA can begin.
  • After the assessment do we see the Speech Pathologist again?
    Yes. In order to ensure that your child’s goals are updated on a regular basis we do video check-ins. After ten sessions the SLP will watch a recorded session in order to update goals and to meet CASLPO's (College of Audiologists and Speech Language Pathologists of Ontario) guidelines for supervision. The cost of the video check in is $80 tax exempt. This fee allows for the SLP's time that they spend reading weekly notes that the CDA sends them as well as any correspondences about your child between the supervising SLP and the CDA (caseload meetings, phone calls, emails and texts). Once your child has reached their current goals a re-assessment may be warranted. The frequency of reassessments depends on the child’s progress and degree of need. .
  • Is the SLP being updated regularly on my child`s progress?
    Yes. The CDA sends the SLP therapy notes after each session and receives feedback on a regular basis ensuring that the child`s progress is being monitored and updated by the SLP regularly. After ten sessions a video check-in takes place where the CDA records the sessions and sends it to the SLP along with a brief progress report so that the SLP can update the goals if needed. The SLP goal update is then provided to the CDA and shared with parents. This video check-in is necessary and the fee must be paid before subsequent sessions can occur.
  • Do you have a waiting list?
    Yes, we frequently have a waitlist however depending on your child's availability for 1:1 sessions you may be able to be seen right away as appointments during school hours are plentiful. From the initial contact of the intake form being sent to when the assessment takes place and the when the CDA receives the goals the entire process may take up to two months. After school and Saturday time slots fill quickly so we usually have a short waitlist for those times. Our SLPs release new assessment dates based on their client caseload and CDA availability to take on new clients.
  • Where do sessions take place?
    CDA sessions can be done in our spacious office, the clients' home or daycare (with permission from the daycare) or out in the community. All of the materials needed for the home/daycare sessions are brought by the CDA. The travel fee for sessions outside of the office is $95. This covers the time the CDA spends travelling to and from your location, their gas and wear and tear on their vehicle. Please keep in mind that if the CDA was not travelling they could potentially be seeing one or two other clients in the time it takes to travel to and from your session location. Their time is precious and they need to be fairly compensated.
  • Are your services covered by the Ontario Autism Program (OAP)?
    Yes, we are on the approved list. Please keep all copies of your paid invoices either digitally or hard copy in order to remit them during your reconciliation time.


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